The prayer that took my website global

This summer, “Me Before You” comes out: A movie about a guy in his prime who breaks his neck and then falls in love in what looks like an unconventional relationship.

Sound familiar? Stephanie standing frame 11-10-13

I read the tag line:

What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart?

What could that mean?

Unfortunately, I looked.

After realizing his condition, the guy agrees to live six months before undergoing assisted suicide. The girl initially struggles with his choice, but ultimately decides to support his decision to end his life.

Romantic, right?

And this is a movie? Based off of a book in the Top 10 on Amazon?

Am I missing something?

It is frustrating to me when I see stuff like this; as if we are entitled to perfect, happy lives and there’s no point in existing if that’s not the case. Without functioning arms and legs is there really nothing to live for?

My desire is to show there is a reason to keep going, no matter the circumstances. A reason to live. A reason for hope. That no situation is beyond God’s redemptive power.

I want others to experience what I’ve experienced.

How can I play a part in that?

When this website was launched in 2013, it was a nice way to keep family and friends in the loop. Pretty quickly my audience opened up- as did the opportunities that accompanied it. From speaking to a church congregation to appearing on the news, periodically someone would reach out, intrigued enough to bring me to their respective group to share about my experience.

Speaking at a local church was one of many doors that opened in 2014 after initially launching this website
Speaking at a local church was one of many doors that opened in 2014 after initially launching this website

Pretty quickly, people began reaching out and I began to get feedback about how others were finding hope in their own lives through looking at my situation.

I wondered if there was a way to reach more. So at the beginning of 2016, I began to ponder, “Why not ask God if he wants to amplify this chance to display what he is doing in my life?”

Over 2000 years ago a man named Jabez prayed, “God, enlarge my territory.” God listened and granted this request (See 1 Chronicles 4:10). I mimicked this prayer and was blown away by just how quickly it was answered.

...can anyone help translate?
…can anyone help translate?
I have corresponded with people from Canada all the way to Europe and Africa. I recently collaborated with a pastor on the West Coast and was able to address his congregation this past weekend via video (below). My story has been featured in the University of Cincinnati magazine, local news stations, USA Today, and even a Paris newspaper. One by one God has been adding another set of eyes to what he’s doing.

And the funny thing is, I’ve been stuck in my room in bed pretty much all day throughout this time. God can use any situation and is not bound by my capabilities and circumstances. This is yet another prime example of him making much out of what would seem hopeless.

What about you? Could God be taking you through a season that would be helpful for others to learn from?

Maybe the prayer of Jabez is just the prayer for you.

Here’s an example from earlier this month of how God expanded my territory by having the opportunity to address a church on the West Coast from the confines of my bedroom:

To check out the latest video update: Click here

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  1. Ryan your post speaks to me. I Miss hearing from people I love and you tell me to keep pushing on and upward. God is truly using you to speak to others who need encouragement.


  2. As always, another inspiring post. I love watching how you are so dedicated to letting God use you and your story to glorify Him and to inspire others!
    You are such a gift!

  3. May God continue to enlarge your territory! Love, love, love you and sweet S!

  4. WOW Ryan! It is so cool to have traveled along on part of your journey and seen God catapult you into such a place as this!! Of course, you have surrendered ALL and have been obedient to His call.

    ‘Keep an eternal mindset’ is the take-away line from your msg to the church in Seattle. I wonder why I have been unable to get to that place. As always, you amaze and inspire me. I feel like I have done everything and yet I am getting no where. I have used my time to encourage others, but I WANT to be in that SWEET spot where you are!

    I spoke with a friend recently about you and encouraged her to check out your blog. One question came up during our conversation. Perhaps you can answer it. What was the turning point for you? It seems apparent that you were not exactly of the same mindset as you are today. Was there event or a space in time which you can point to as your turning point?

    I have a couple of ideas about how to expand your territory even more. (reddit / Ed & Dani – as a reminder to myself).

    Thanks for continually being a BRIGHT spot in the wild world. 🙂

    Blessings to you and your beloved princess!

  5. I love this. I sometimes get similarly irate when people make dismal associations between T1D and the world at large, as if life should be perfect & neat for everyone. I have such a passion to share the paths, potholes & all, that my life has taken to encourage others…to know they aren’t alone, it has happened to people before, it isn’t the end of the world. Jesus and hope can make any obstacle tolerable at least & beneficial at best. That’s my theory, anyhows. ? Kiss that sweet fiancé of yours for me. God bless!

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